My favorite thought

Rejoice in His name and not in your circumstances.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Day #10 I am grateful for my grandparents.

I am grateful for my grandparents: my mother’s parents (I never got to meet her father because he died when she was 11, her mother died when I was 6, Grandmama Mary was very sweet and the memories I have of her are all dear to my heart), my father’s parents, Grandma Dixie and Granddaddy Fuzz, who have been a major part of my life, and Mafalda Cannone who adopted me as her granddaughter. My Grandma Dixie who said, “the next one is mine” and kept her word , she rocked me, took care of me and prayed over and for me. My Granddaddy Fuzz has me wrapped around his little finger as he always has. All because two people have fell in love so many wonderful people have come into my life and most of all I was born. I thank you all for loving me unconditionally. To my adopted Grandmother Mafalda, who I am so grateful for, thank you for always listening, loving and praying for me. I am so blessed that these people are a part of my life and the love they give and share. Thank you for loving me like no other.

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