My favorite thought

Rejoice in His name and not in your circumstances.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Shalom Toda Raba PART IIII

This day was a very long and busy day though it changed my life. We picked up the doctors took them to the Tel Aviv hospital for dedication ceremony for the new children's cardio wing. There was a high school choir singing in mostly Hebrew, although we could not understand the words the beautiful melody and their voices sang out. We got to have lunch with Shevet's head nurse and what a blessing that was to learn more about Shevet and Israel. The food was delicious and nothing like hospital cafeteria food here in the states. A full homemade from scratch 5 course meal with local fresh fruit, vegetables, and chicken or fish. We got to go see the children's wing that housed Shevet's children who were recuperating from or preparing for heart surgery. 

One of the little boys I saw and got to see was Baran  ( Oh this sweet little one is
such a warrior. He has had such a hard journey but 

oh what a fighter! We took some toys to give to the children so I brought him a bright red matchbox car. I rolled it around his bed and he followed it and me with his eyes. His mama was so sweet, spoke very good English (she says she is "learning"), and has been by his side 24-7 through July to November. She was very appreciative for our visit and our prayers. I will be forever touched by this little one and forever remember his beautiful eyes and the impact that he had on me. Every time I think of him I pray for him and his family. 


                          “My son pay attention to what I say;
                                   listen closely to my words.
                             Do not let them out of your sight,
                                keep them within your heart;
                        for they are life to those who find them
                            and health to a man’s whole body."
                                                                          - Proverbs 4:20-22 

                                         I will speak more about Baran more to come.... :)
We got to see a documentary film on the children's cardio department which was completely heart moving. I cried seeing all the children in need and those that they were helping not only in Israel but also those from surrounding countries and especially in Africa. Israel has the top cardio unit in the world. They are very impressive and resourceful with what they have. It truly made a impression on me and gave me motivation and inspiration that I will speak about later.

              After a day at Shevet and the hospital we went out for kosher burgers. Yum Yum! We

became great 
fans of the BURGERSBAR. You got to try them!

Yum Yum!!

            We visited the Mount of Olives, saw the Eastern Gate aka Golden Gate, it was 

beautiful and fascinating to learn more about the history and culture of the physical

Standing looking out over the Eastern Gate made me think of so many

  Amazing how God has and will fulfill scripture. Just as in Bible (especially in the

book of Isaiah which was written over 700
 years before the birth of

Jesus) predicted his birth, death, and second coming.

Let's start at the beginning...

His place of birth...

"But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting."
 -Micah 5:2 written: 710 BC (OT- Before Christ)

"After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod..." - Matthew 2:1 (NT)

Christmas is 
the celebration of
the Christ child 
who was born to 
live and die for us. 

             God knew that He needed to come and save us; so He is the true hero. He came himself. The virgin birth is spoken of over 700 years BC (Before Christ) and His name is told to us to tell us exactly who He is. 

The virgin birth, and His name...
Isaiah 7:14 written: 758 BC (
Before Christ)"Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel."  Word "Immanuel" means: God with us.
Isaiah 8:8 written: 758 BC (Before Christ)

And he shall pass through Judah; he shall overflow and go over, he shall reach even to the neck; and the stretching out of his wings shall fill the breadth of thy land, O Immanuel."

"Now the birth of 
Jesus Christ took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit." - Matthew 1:18

"He is despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.  And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him; He was despised, and we did not esteem Him. Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted.  But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.  All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned, every one to his own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all." -Isaiah 53 3-6

      "Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins;
  for if you do not believe that I Am, you will die in your sins."                                                                                        - 
John 8:24 

The second coming...
God gave Ezekiel a supernatural vision of this gate.
 43:1 “Afterward he brought me to the gate, the gate that faces toward the east. And behold, the glory of the God of Israel came from the way of the east“.
 43:4; “And the glory of the Lord came into the temple by the way of the gate which faces toward the east.
"Then he brought me back the way of the gate of the outward sanctuary which looketh toward the east; and it was shut.
Then said the Lord unto me; This gate shall be shut, it shall not be opened, and no man shall enter in by it; because the Lord, the God of Israel, hath entered in by it, therefore it shall be shut.
It is for the prince; the prince, he shall sit in it to eat bread before the Lord; he shall enter by the way of the porch of that gate, and shall go out by the way of the same. Ezekiel 44:1-3

You also must be

 ready, because the

 Son of Man will come

 at an hour when you 

do not expect him." 

-Luke 12:40

Going to the Holy Land was breathe taking! Brought the Bible to Life in a different way! Reading and seeing pictures of the stories has changed my life completely. It is hard for me to explain how seeing these places has made the stories not come alive but made them become deeper in heart and soul. For when I turned my life over to God in 2003 the stories became very alive to me, for I was lost and then I was found. It is an experience that is so difficult to explain. It was amazing to see how even unbelievers even believe the prophesies of the Bible.

Learning about the Biblical sites with history and how others see the sites, history and prophesies is so interesting. The Muslims in the year 810 built a wall and placed a grave yard in front because they believe a prophet (who they think Jesus is only a prophet and not the Messiah) cannot walk through a wall and through the graveyard. Their belief would not be able to go through the stone gate but also not be able to walk through the graveyard. Interesting how that they are trying everything to stop the prophesy of the second coming of of the Messiah who they believe is only a prophet. 

This really got me to thinking that our faith should be strong - stronger than the unbeliever that tries to stop the prophesies. Nothing can stop the Almighty! No wall, no graveyard. He is the Almighty who turned water into wine, healed the lame and the sick, and rose the dead, as well as Himself. No wall, no graveyard is going to stop Almighty God. God is always faithful to His word. He has and will always keep His promises. Not only can we believe that for the prophesies of the Old and New Testaments but also we can believe His promises for us, His bride, His people.
So reminds me of one of my favorite verses... 

He has and will fulfill very prophesy and promise.
My hearts bursts and melts at the same time every time I read this.  

                    Toda Raba Shalom!
                                                          More to come... stay tuned...

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