My favorite thought

Rejoice in His name and not in your circumstances.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Be Still and Know that I am God

Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.
(Psalm 46:10)

My thoughts have been how do we hear God? I got to thinking on this verse. For a person who probably has ADD; my thought is "How 'still' do I have to be?". The thing that comes to my mind is that it's not about being completely still, not moving a muscle; it's about keeping my mouth closed, and ears open. No it's not that we can't ask God questions but, that we ask our question and let Him answer. I don't know about you but, God a lot of the time answers me with another question. But just if we sit or lay perfectly still doesn't mean we are hearing God. For example take yoga for instant, just because they meditate and are completely still and quiet doesn't mean they know God or they are hearing God. I have researched yoga and the eastern religions. Meditation is the emptying your mind. Praying to and worshiping God is the exact opposite. We are to think on positive things, our blessings, The Truth (HIS WORD)...

8Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. 9Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.
-Philippians 4:8-9

So my thought today is that we are to be still, listen, hear, and think on the things of God. Be still and know He is GOD. He hears you every prayer, holds every tear in a bottle, and is wrapping His arms around you. That's what we have when we have a personal relationship with Jesus.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Hearing vs Listening

I've been sick for the last few days. I went to the doctor today to see if I had strep throat. My nephew found out Friday that he had it. So I thought better safe than sorry. Thank God that the test came back negative. So nope, no strep throat! YEAH!!! Yesterday,I was feeling pretty icky. And after staying home, stuck inside for three days wanting get out but, not go to far (okay I live out in the boom docks, 30 min. from town). So I went to the mail box. LOL!! Praise the Lord! I got Mail!!! Not just bills and junk mail. I got mail from my friends. I love getting mail. It's like Christmas everyday. One of my friends sent me a card and wrote down some scripture verses. What a blessing it was to me! Some may say it was just mere coincidences. But I believe it's totally a God thing. He knows what I need even before I need it. God knew I need encouragement. This reminded me of a scripture in Psalms 120:1 "In my distress I cried unto the LORD, and he heard me." I know that HE hears my cries... of discouragement... of pain... of hunger... of being weary... being lonely... of being sick and tired of being sick and tired...
The greatest thing I think that is about God's Word here is that HE HEARS. I don't know about your grandmother but, my grandmother was and is one of the wisest women I know. Though I didn't always understand what she was trying to say. When I was a child she would say to me, "you're not hearing me, child". I would reply, "Yes, Ma'am. I am listening". "No, hon. You may be listening but you ain't hearing me". I always thought she was just talking southern. LOL! But really she was telling me that I wasn't hearing her. I was listening to the words coming out of her mouth and they were going right out the other side. God doesn't just listen to our aches, pains, heartaches... HE HEARS. He feels our pain, aches, heartaches with us. After this I realized that He was hearing me. I knew this before but, some lessons you have to just learn again. But that is the same way that we should HEAR GOD. Are we just listening to HIM and HIS WORD? Letting it all go in one ear and out the other or are we really HEARING what GOD has to say? He knows the things you are struggling with. The loss of your child, no children, negative test again, everyone pregnant around you, bills unpaid, laid-off, sick again, family fights... He knows it all, He hears it all. The next scripture that comes to mind is "Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10).
I think that will be for the next entry. God's Peace.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

When everything seems like it is falling apart...

I don't know about you and your struggles but, I know that there are times when I question God's timing and plan. Have you ever wondered, what God is doing? Nothing seems to be going right? Nothing is going as planned? I just had my 30th birthday and I was pretty depressed about it. I know it may sound silly to some but, I feel old. Not that 30 is old. But, my plan was for us to have a house full of kids, teaching them to read, tie their shoes, how to ride a bike, drive a car... Our oldest would be 13 next year. My sister has 5 kids and my little brother has 1 and 1 on the way. Of course my plan isn't going as planned. It's so easy to feel frustrated, throw your hands up in the air and question God's motive, timing, plan... Nothing seems to be working, going your way, or even making sense... I know those feelings. I was talking to a close friend of mine and she told me; "When everything seems like it is falling apart, nothing happening, not making sense... That is when God is doing His biggest work. His ways are not our ways".

Isaiah 55:8-9 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."

Now when I get frustrated I tell myself this scripture and remind my self I am not on my time- I'm on God's. This isn't my life, It's HIS. Because I gave my life to Him 6 years ago when I accepted Him as my LORD and Savior. I still want children, I still pray for children. But more than that I want God's will, plan for my life not mine. He knows best. I need to trust Him with my life and His plan. So when nothing is going right, making sense, falling apart... Know GOD is WORKING out His BIGGEST and BEST plan for you. Just as He did for Joseph in the Bible. He's brothers wanted to kill him, instead they sold him as a slave, he was imprisoned for something he didn't do, to put Him at the top of Egypt right under the Pharoah planning to save his family and country from straving. (Gen. CH.37-50) All of this was in God's plan for Joseph and HE used it for Joseph's good and HIS glory. He will do the same for you if you love Him. Romans 10:10-12